9-15-15 BOS agenda - Tribal Gas Station and Retail Project

Post date: Sep 12, 2015 3:13:25 AM

Dear Shingle Springs residents and rural lifestyle supporters,

The Board of Supervisors will be approving an agreement with a consultant to perform Environmental Documents for the RedHawk Casino Tribe's proposed Gas Station and Retail Project. It is proposed for the southwest corner of Highway 50 and Shingle Springs Drive. A location map is below.

The Project Background and Assumptions below are excerpts from Exhibit A, page 15 of 20, of the Agreement with the consultant, which you can view here:https://eldorado.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=2455362&GUID=5A154644-249F-45E2-A140-2639DC423779&Options=&Search=

Concerns are being raised that the County is bypassing proper environmental analysis of a project of this magnitude. Residents have been told that a gas station on trust land would fall under the jurisdiction of federal environmental review. Therefore, the County should request that the EPA perform an environmental review. Remember, the Tribe's application to put this parcel into trust stated that they needed the land for residential housing. However, once obtained, the tribe switched their intended use of the parcel from tribal housing to a large commercial development project NOT compatible with adjacent and nearby land uses. The tribe has also applied for a liquor license for the commercial development.

Project Background:

The services provided by this Agreement are related to the completion of environmental assessments and preparation of corresponding CEQA documents for the proposed Project by the Shingle Springs Band of Miwok Indians Development Corporation (Applicant). This Project includes the construction of a gas station, carwash, and other possible retail spaces. The Project is located on federally recognized Tribal owned land in Shingle Springs, California.

In summary, the Board of Supervisors are pushing forward a project against the community of Shingle Springs in favor of the RedHawk Casino Tribe. The tribe's intentions appear to be producing a high density commercial region throughout Shingle Springs. You can read more about the Tribe's land grab here: http://eldoradocouncil.org/land-grab/


Contact the Supervisors or attend the meeting to tell the Supervisors that you want them to request that the Tribe follow full environmental review that is expected for a gas station project.

Board of Supervisors Meeting

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

330 Fair Lane Drive, Building A, Placerville

NOT TIME SPECIFIC - This is a Department Matter and will probably be heard any time between 9:30 and noon

Email and Call the Supervisors

Tell the Supervisors that you expect them to contact the Federal government and request that the Tribe to follow full, federal environmental review.

1. Ron Mikulaco, Supervisor District I, (530) 621-5650, bosone@edcgov.us

2. Shiva Frentzen, Supervisor District II, (530) 621-5651, bostwo@edcgov.us

3. Brian Veerkamp, Supervisor District III, (530) 621-5652, bosthree@edcgov.us

4. Michael Ranalli, Supervisor District IV, (530) 621-6513, bosfour@edcgov.us

5. Sue Novasel, Supervisor District V, (530) 621-6577, bosfive@edcgov.us

Board of Supervisors' Agenda Item Comments, Clerk of the Board: edc.cob@edcgov.us


Prior to Project initiation, the following assumptions have been made in regards to the Scope of Work:

• An Initial Study (IS) and Negative Declaration (Neg Dec) will be sufficient for meeting CEQA requirements (A Negative Declaration is being used in place of a full Environmental Impact Report)

• The Neg Dec shall consist of a Mitigated Neg Dec for inclusion of measures to reduce potential impacts to a less than significant level

• The IS/Neg Dec shall be prepared using Project plans provided by Applicant at the time the Agreement is executed

• The Project shall be located within a County roadway right of way and Tribal lands not subject to CEQA requirements

• The IS analysis shall focus on the offsite effects that may result from the construction of necessary utility connections and new driveways

• Should additional CEQA documents or an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) be found necessary during the Project, such work will supplement or expand this Scope of Work and shall require an amendment to the Agreement.

The item from the BOS agenda is clipped for your reference below. You can view the full agenda here: https://eldorado.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=A&ID=418276&GUID=CE301870-E452-428A-B152-9A2E1E2BFEF9