Initiatives 2014
Fix the Community Region Line Flaws Initiative filed by SSCA, click here.
Reinstate Measure Y Initiative filed by Save Our County (SOC), click here.
Retain El Dorado County's Current Zoning Initiative filed by SOC, click here.
Here is the Press Release published by SOC that lists all 3 initiatives:
Save Our County, El Dorado
Local Groups Unite to Stop Urbanization in El Dorado County
Placerville, CA February 2, 2014 - Save Our County (SOC) founder Sue Taylor along with Residents Involved in Positive Planning (RIPP) founder Laurel Stroud announced today they have jointly filed two Initiative petitions for the purpose of:
Restoring Measure Y’s 1998 Original Intent to Stop Traffic Congestion
Restoring Policies in the 2004 General Plan Intended to Protect the Rural Nature of El Dorado County.
The first initiative petition, ‘Reinstate Measure Y,’ is in response to continuous support by El Dorado County's general public for the original 1998 Measure Y, which was a tool to prevent traffic gridlock by requiring developers to pay for the infrastructure needed for their projects.
‘Reinstate Measure Y’ restores the original intent of the 1998 Measure Y without the loopholes added into the 2008 version. One loophole being the 4/5ths vote given to the Board of Supervisors (BOS) to override the rules that prevent traffic gridlock.
The second initiative petition, ‘Retain El Dorado County’s Current Zoning,’ is to keep current Zoning and restore other policies promised within the 2004 El Dorado County General Plan. The BOS and Planning Commission have continuously ignored, reinterpreted, or amended parts of the 2004 General Plan that were promised to the public as protections for a rural lifestyle. The initiative outlines several voter approved policies that need to be restored in the General Plan.
These two initiatives combined with a third initiative filed by the Shingle Springs Community Alliance titled, ‘Fix The Community Region Line Flaws’ (CRLF), will restore the policies promised in the original Measure Y and the 2004 General Plan that were put in place to protect our rural lifestyle. SOC and RIPP have come together to support the CRLF initiative.
All three versions are awaiting titles and ballot summaries from County Counsel. Each initiative needs 7,800 signatures from registered voters to qualify for the ballot.
Taylor emphasizes, “The bottom line is the BOS are moving forward with urbanizing major corridors and their surrounding rural communities. These three petitions are an opportunity to remind the BOS of the oath and promises they made to the people of El Dorado County to be good stewards over our resources. We need to act on it now. By supporting these initiatives, we exercise our voice through our vote.”
Save Our County, El Dorado has posted all three initiative petitions, as well as information regarding petition gathering locations on the SOC website
Retain El Dorado County’s Current Zoning