Update on 2-24-15 Board meeting
Post date: Mar 2, 2015 7:01:27 PM
Dear Shingle Springs residents and rural lifestyle supporters,
THANK YOU! Your emails and phone calls do matter. These two items directly affect our community and they were on the Board agenda because of you. As we become more organized and vocal about what we want for our community, the Board cannot ignore us and must take action for us, the citizens. We must stay strong and persist in this battle to protect our quality of life in Shingle Springs and El Dorado County. It is not easy to attend meetings in the middle of a work day, so here is a special thank you to all of you that were able to attend the Board meeting and fill the room and testify to show the Board how much we care.
Here are a few updates from the 2-24-15 Board of Supervisors meeting. If you would like to view the video of the meeting, click on this link and scroll down to #46 and #47 on the list of agenda items: http://eldorado.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?view_id=2&clip_id=587
Agenda Item #46, Tribe Shooting Range
The Tribe gave a presentation regarding the size and location of their proposed open shooting range. They stated that they do not have to follow any environmental review process because they are paying for the project with cash instead of financing with a bank. This begs the question, "Why does paying cash excuse them from environmental review to discuss health and safety issues?" Public comment regarding the project suggested that many people in the community would like to see a new shooting range in the county; however, this is not a proper location for an OPEN shooting range because it is too close to our local schools, recreational trails, residences, and Highway 50. Noise and stray bullets were the top concerns.
Remember, the Tribe could mitigate many of the concerns by building an indoor range. Building an indoor range is very expensive. However, the Tribe is also planning to build a gas station and fast food restaurant right across the street from the shooting range. That indicates that they have the means to build an indoor range and be the good neighbor that they strive to be.
The Supervisors directed staff to create a Staff Report with options of what the Board can do to stop this process if the Tribe will not be a good neighbor to the community. We are looking forward to that Staff Report and supporting whatever action the Board can take to stop the project in its current form. We have been told by several sources that there are public health and safety regulations that the Tribe must follow. We need our Supervisors to quickly determine what those regulations are and enforce them for the well being of all El Dorado County citizens.
What you can do:
Be prepared to take action! If the Tribe moves forward with this project and our Board of Supervisors does not take action on our behalf, then we, the citizens, will have to be ready to fight for our community.
Share this information with your friends and family and get them involved
Contact our State and Federal Representatives - contact information is below
Organize protests on Shingle Springs Drive
Send Letters to the Editor - Mountain Democrat, Sacramento Bee, and any other regional newspaper
Visit this website and join the email list: www.StopTheGunRange.com
Agenda Item #47, Community Region Lines
This item was supposed to be about following up on the Board's motion in December to reduce the size of urban limit lines (Community Region Lines) in Shingle Springs and on the Green Valley Road corridor. However, special interests led by the El Dorado County Chamber of Commerce and a group called EDCARP, turned the item into a political statement. Keep in mind that EDCARP can be directly tied to the $1,000,000 campaign that Parker Development (Serrano/Marble Valley) led to defeat Measure O during the November election. It was very disingenuous for these groups to state that the $1,000,000 of mailers and TV ads did not influence the voters last November. What was more troubling is that staff and the Supervisors played into these political statements instead of working to find solutions that would alleviate many of our concerns.
The result was that the Board moved to put off our request for reducing Community Region Lines until 2016. What became clear at the meeting is that the Board is majorly amending our General Plan and rewriting our Zoning Ordinance to allow for higher-density development. In light of this it is even more critical that the Shingle Springs Community Region line be fixed BEFORE they move to amend the General Plan.
Here is the silver lining in this situation: There was a clear message from the Board and staff that Community Planning is important to them to help guide our future. This is especially good news for Shingle Springs because we started that process back in 2013 and can pick up from where we left off to move forward with planning for our future.
What you can do:
Be prepared to respond to emails and attend our next round of community meetings to continue working on our Shingle Springs Community Plan. It is a lot of work to complete a Community Plan, but we have a good start and if we roll up our sleeves and work together we can create a beautiful vision for Shingle Springs so that we maintain the quality of life that we have all come to love. Visit our website to see the progress we made in 2013 toward our Community Plan: www.shinglespringscommunityplan.org
We can do this!
Here is an inspirational quote to keep us on track:
Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty ~ Thomas Jefferson
Contacts - Visit websites for email submission forms:
State Assembly:
Frank Bigelow (R-5th)
State Capitol, Suite #6027
Sacramento, CA 94249
2441 Headington Road
Placerville, CA 95667
State Senate:
Ted Gaines (R-1st)
State Capitol, Room 3070
Sacramento, CA 95814
4359 Town Center Blvd, Ste 112
El Dorado Hills, CA 95762
Jerry Brown
c/o State Capitol, Ste 1173
Sacramento, CA 95814
Congressional Representative:
Tom McClintock (R-4th)
2331 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
2200A Douglas Blvd Ste 240
Roseville, CA 95661
Barbara Boxer (D-CA)
112 Hart Senate Office Bldg.
Washington, DC 20510
501 I Street, Ste 7-600
Sacramento, CA 95814
Diane Feinstein (D-CA)
331 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
One Post Street, Ste 2450
San Francisco, CA 94104