Good news! The CRL/Green petition has been certified!

Post date: Jul 23, 2014 4:41:38 AM

We just got a call today from the Elections Office to tell us we gathered enough valid signatures to CERTIFY the “Fix Community Region Line Flaws” (green petition) initiative!!

There’s something to be said about “Grassroots and Community effort!!” Thank you to everyone for all your hard work and support to making this effort a success.

7,819 of the 9,512 signatures turned in were determined to be valid signatures of registered voters (82%)…Wow! That says a lot about being a community “Volunteer.” We know the rules and we stick to them!

The certification will be presented to the Board of Supervisors Tuesday, July 29th. At that time the Board will decide whether to adopt the initiative, put it on the ballot, or order a 30-day report. Based on discussion at the Board today (22nd), they will likely direct it to be placed on the ballot…Yea!

Let’s keep our public presence alive….We are being heard!