Design Standards Update

Dear Shingle Springs residents and rural lifestyle supporters,

The Shingle Springs Community Alliance recently sent an email to the El Dorado County Planning Services Department asking about the status of the building design standards project that has been in the works for several years now. The first (and last) community meeting with the County-selected contractor was held in January, and no further activities have occurred since that time to our knowledge. We recently discovered that the County-selected contractor is no longer on the project. In our email to the County, we asked that the project resume ASAP so that any new commercial or multi-family residential development within the Shingle Springs Community Region area will have design standard guidelines in place to reflect our community's wishes. Once we hear back from the County we'll issue a follow-up email to let you know the status of the project.

Feel free to reply to with any questions or comments. Thank you.

Team SSCA on behalf of the

Shingle Springs Community Alliance

Keeping Shingle Springs Rural