ALERT! - Upcoming County Redistricting Meetings
Dear Shingle Springs residents and rural lifestyle supporters,
Community Redistricting
Community Redistricting meeting August 4th. Redistricting means re-drawing the boundaries within the county which define the five areas (districts) that the five county Supervisors represent. Redistricting occurs every 10 years in response to updated census data. Early public redistricting meetings are being held for the community to understand how the process will work, what the constraints are, and how to engage. The 2020 Census data will not be available until late September. The final maps are due in December. Therefore, the map process will be very short and fast, and we want the public to feel that they understand how to participate. We strongly encourage everyone to attend the meetings and have your voice heard. Please see more details below:
Redistricting Workshop (Public Hearing #2)
Wednesday, August 4, 2021 at 6:00pm
Via ZOOM: or via telephone at 530-621-7603 or 530-621-7610. The ZOOM Meeting ID is 918 1612 8463.
In person in the El Dorado County Board Chambers, 330 Fair Lane, Placerville, CA 95667.
Redistricting website:
The agenda with meeting details and additional participation instructions is posted here:
Two more workshops are scheduled as follows:
Workshop #3: Thursday, October 14, 2021 at 6:00pm, via Zoom and with an in-person option, Covid-19 restrictions permitting.
Workshop #4: Wednesday, November 3, 2021 at 9:00am, via Zoom and with an in-person option, Covid-19 restrictions permitting.
Team SSCA on behalf of the
Shingle Springs Community Alliance
Keeping Shingle Springs Rural
Dear Shingle Springs residents and rural lifestyle supporters,
Community Redistricting
Community Redistricting meeting August 4th. Redistricting means re-drawing the boundaries within the county which define the five areas (districts) that the five county Supervisors represent. Redistricting occurs every 10 years in response to updated census data. Early public redistricting meetings are being held for the community to understand how the process will work, what the constraints are, and how to engage. The 2020 Census data will not be available until late September. The final maps are due in December. Therefore, the map process will be very short and fast, and we want the public to feel that they understand how to participate. We strongly encourage everyone to attend the meetings and have your voice heard. Please see more details below:
Redistricting Workshop (Public Hearing #2)
Wednesday, August 4, 2021 at 6:00pm
Via ZOOM: or via telephone at 530-621-7603 or 530-621-7610. The ZOOM Meeting ID is 918 1612 8463.
In person in the El Dorado County Board Chambers, 330 Fair Lane, Placerville, CA 95667.
Redistricting website:
The agenda with meeting details and additional participation instructions is posted here:
Two more workshops are scheduled as follows:
Workshop #3: Thursday, October 14, 2021 at 6:00pm, via Zoom and with an in-person option, Covid-19 restrictions permitting.
Workshop #4: Wednesday, November 3, 2021 at 9:00am, via Zoom and with an in-person option, Covid-19 restrictions permitting.
Team SSCA on behalf of the
Shingle Springs Community Alliance
Keeping Shingle Springs Rural