Action Alert! 2-24-15 meeting re: Open Shooting Range
Post date: Feb 20, 2015 5:24:52 AM
The email below is forwarded from Save Our County. This has become an urgent matter as the Tribe expects to be operational in just a few months and the most recent project description includes 29 outdoor shooting lanes, which will produce noise that could travel for miles. Proposing to locate a large outdoor shooting range within a residential area in close proximity to elementary schools and a highway is quite alarming. Significant noise and traffic impacts would be expected. Our concerns revolve around quality of life and safety issues, and in no way relate to gun rights.
Please attend the 2-24-15 Board of Supervisors meeting and/or contact the authorities listed below.
Action Alert! 2-24-15 meeting re: Open Shooting Range
Dear El Dorado County concerned citizens,
Please attend the Tuesday, February 24, 2015 Board of Supervisors meeting at 2:00pm. The Shingle Springs Miwok Tribe will be giving a presentation to the public about their open shooting range proposed for construction at the southeast corner of Highway 50 and Shingle Springs Drive.
The neighbors are upset about the way this project has been handled by the government and the Tribe. The public would like some oversight by those in authority to consider the safety issues regarding an open range adjacent to residents, the highway, the trail and schools. The Tribe has not submitted a project application to the County. When a project application is submitted to the County, it starts the notification process to other agencies about the project, such as Caltrans for highway safety, the Army Corps of Engineers for waterway safety, and the Bureau of Land Management for hunting safety (
We need our Board of Supervisors to take a firm stance on this project and demand that the Tribe submit a project application to the County so that public health and safety can be reviewed in an open and transparent process. It is imperative that our government hold the Tribe to the law so that non-compatible land use does not cause harm to the surrounding community.
TAKE ACTION! Make phone calls, write emails, attend the 2-24-15 Board Meeting.
Tuesday, February 24, 2015 at 2:00pm
Board of Supervisors Meeting
330 Fair Lane, Building A, Placerville, CA
Contact info for Board of Supervisors:
1. Ron Mikulaco, Supervisor District I, (530) 621-5650,
2. Shiva Frentzen, Supervisor District II, (530) 621-5651,
3. Brian Veerkamp, Supervisor District III, (530) 621-5652,
4. Michael Ranalli, Supervisor District IV, (530) 621-6513,
5. Sue Novasel, Supervisor District V, (530) 621-6577,
Board of Supervisors' Agenda Item Comments, Clerk of the Board:
Contact info for Congressman Tom McClintock:
(916) 786-5560 local office
(202) 225-2511
Bureau of Indian Affairs:
Sacramento office, Mervel Harris, (916) 978-6062,
Federal Office (202)208-3710
Sample email [please customize it to reflect your concerns]:
To: <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>
Subject: Comment on 2-24-15 BOS Agenda Item, Tribe Open Shooting Range
Dear Board of Supervisors,
I request that you take a firm stance and demand that the Tribe submit a project application for their proposed open shooting range project so that public health and safety can be reviewed in an open and transparent process.
Thank you,
[Your Name]
[Your town or address]
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